Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happiness Is...

Yesterday one of my classmates asked me, "what makes you happy?" My response: having quiet time and reflecting on the things that I have and not what I don't have. Having been in the publishing industry for 6.5 years, I've come to realize that during those years, I don't think I've ever been present in the moment. I may have been present physically, but mentally, I wasn't "there" because my mind was constantly reeling--i was always thinking of work to-do lists in my head; it not only consumed me, but exhausted me at the same time. Now that I'm in a different field of profession, I've become aware of how important it is to be "in the present." It's a great feeling and I wouldn't have it any other way. Quiet time has also altered the way I look at my life. This year has been a time of significant change and I know that I'm blessed. I may not have a lot of material things, but I'm "rich" with unconditional love that I get from those that mean the world to me and a job that i love as well as an abundance of reward that I get from it. For awhile, I didn't think I'd see the light, but I see it now and it's only going to get better from here on out. Therefore, savor the moments in your life and the little "gifts" that it brings. Happy Thursday!:)