Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let It Be

I was listening to Wilson Philips' "Greatest Hits" today and they talked about their song, "You're Inlove." According to the trio, they wanted to look at love from the point of caring for someone deeply by having their best interest at heart. "If you know that they are better off with someone else, no matter how much you love them, then you have to let them go so they can move on." Boy, did this hit a nail with me. It almost opened a flood gate, but i didn't let it happen. I know I should be happy for he-who-shall-n0t-be-named, but it still pains me that the dream I held on to for so long is never going to come true. There will always be a twinge of pain knowing that he chose to spend the rest of his life with someone else. But nonetheless, this is what I prayed for. His happiness means the world to me and I'm glad he's found it. Here's the link:

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